Quick Order - SeeFill or Kill Order.
Quotation - The actual price or the bid or asked price of either cash commodities or futures contracts.
Rally - An upward movement of prices following a decline. Same as Recovery.
Random Walk - An economic theory that price movements in the commodity futures markets and in the securities markets are completely random in character (i.e., past prices are not a reliable indicator of future prices).
Range - The difference between the high and low price of a commodity during a given period.
Ratio Hedge - The number of options compared to the number of futures contracts taken in a position necessary to be a hedge; that is, risk neutral.
Ratio Spread - This strategy, which applies to both puts and calls, involves buying or selling options at one strike price in greater number than those bought or sold at another strike price.
Reaction - The downward price movement tendency of a commodity after a price advance.
Recovery - An upward price movement after a decline. Same as Rally.
Regular Warehouse - A processing plant or warehouse that satisfies exchange requirements for financing, facilities, capacity and location and has been approved as acceptable for delivery of commodities against futures contracts. See Licensed Warehouse.