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Gujarat Summer Sowing Shows 21% Decline Compared to Previous Year - 11 Mar 2024

12 Mar 2024 11:10 am
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AHMEDABAD, March 12 (Commodities Control) – Summer crop sowing in Gujarat has plummeted by 21% as of March 11, 2024, compared to the same period last year. This decline, primarily attributed to water scarcity and delayed summer heat, raises concerns for the edible oil, pulse, and feed grain sectors.

Key market-sensitive crops have seen sharp reductions in sowing:

Groundnut: A 16% decline in groundnut area threatens edible oil supplies, potentially leading to higher oil prices.

Sesame: A 36% drop in sesame sowing could impact edible oil production and export potential.

Millet: A 25% reduction in millet area affects the availability of feed grains, possibly increasing livestock production costs.

Pulses (urad, moong): Significant declines (50% and 24%, respectively) could tighten domestic pulse supplies and drive up prices.

Interestingly, rice cultivation has bucked the trend with an 18% increase.

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