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Urad Prices Drifts Lower; Myanmar Market Closed Due to Eid

18 Jun 2024 6:07 pm
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Mumbai, 18 June 2024 (Commoditiescontrol): In major consumption centers, urad prices of doewstic and Burma have generally weakened, with declines ranging from Rs 50-100 per quintal. Southern markets, including Guntur and Vijayawada, experienced a sharper drop of Rs 100 per quintal. Sources attribute this price fall to regular supply from Myanmar and a downtrend in summer crop prices.

Myanmar market was closed due to Eid .

Burma urad In Chennai Resale market declined by $10 per metric ton due to a temporary lull in immediate demand.

Imported Urad SQ/FAQ variety in Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Kolkata market were depressed by low demand due to weak offtake in urad dal.

The Indian monsoon has successfully covered all of South India and most of Maharashtra but has remained static over the past 7-8 days. This stagnation has impacted urad sowing in North India, though farmers in Karnataka and Maharashtra have begun their sowing activities.

Despite these factors, urad prices in domestic markets are expected to remain range-bound with a slight positive bias. The ongoing summer arrivals are unlikely to cause significant price reductions due to existing supply constraints. Additionally, strong seed demand is anticipated to support prices, preventing any major downturns.

Spot Masur Prices In Key Indian Markets:

(By Commoditiescontrol Bureau; +91-9820130172)

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