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Tur Prices Largely Stable; Tur Sowing Reach 13 Lakh Ha

28 Jun 2024 6:15 pm
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Mumbai, 28 June 2024 (Commoditiescontrol): Tur prices in Burmese markets have shown resilience, with a notable increase of K40,000 per metric tonne driven by stockiest buying and limited selling interest. In contrast, CNF India trade in the Burma market remained steady. Meanwhile, in the resale market at Chennai, Lemon tur prices held steady at USD 1,425 and USD 1,420 per metric tonne, respectively.

This uptick comes despite lemon prices in domestic markets experiencing a decline of Rs 50-125 per quintal, while prices in most African nations remained stable.

Tur International Prices In Key Indian Markets:

In Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh, tur prices have stabilized in both bilty and mandi markets following a minor rise. The stability is attributed to the scarce supply from farmers and stockists, which has bolstered market support.

Spot Raw Tur Bilty And Mandi Prices In Key Indian Markets:


Dal prices, after seeing successive gains in recent sessions, have now steadied across major markets, with exceptions noted in Katni. Market reports indicate a moderate demand for dal, with millers in Madhya Pradesh showing a preference for bolder varieties of masur.

Spot Raw Tur Dal Prices In Key Indian Markets:

Analysts foresee potential incremental price increases in specific markets, propelled by ongoing scarcity among farmers, stockists, and millers. Additionally, robust demand for seeds is anticipated to uphold prices in the foreseeable future.

The Ministry of Agriculture has released promising figures, reporting tur acreage at 13.02 lakh hectares as of June 28, 2024. This marks a substantial increase from 84,000 hectares during the same period last year, representing an extraordinary 1451% surge. This increase is attributed to favorable weather conditions this season, with regions such as Karnataka and Maharashtra's Marathwada particularly benefiting from ample rainfall after experiencing deficits in June of the previous year. The delay in sowing last year has also contributed to the significant variation in sowing numbers.
Despite rapid sowing progress, Tur prices are expected to remain steady to firm in the near term due to lower domestic stock levels. The new Kharif crop will only be available in December, and African supply is expected to reach the Indian market in late September. From July to September, prices are anticipated to stay steady to firm. However, the upside potential should be limited as domestic stockists are likely to sell regularly to liquidate their stocks in anticipation of new Tur crop supplies from Africa and the domestic Kharif harvest.

(By Commoditiescontrol Bureau; +91-9820130172)

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