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Cotton Prices Stable in Lower Rajasthan Amid Limited Demand

18 May 2024 1:17 pm
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New Delhi, May 17 (Commodities Control): Cotton prices in Lower Rajasthan remained stable for the third consecutive day on Saturday due to limited demand from spinning mills. The daily arrival of Kapas in the state mandis also remained stable.

Traders attribute the continued stability in cotton prices to weak domestic demand for cotton yarn, prompting spinning mills to purchase only minimal quantities of cotton. Despite negligible cotton arrivals in the state mandis, ginning mills hold significant outstanding stock, reducing the likelihood of any substantial price increase in the domestic market. Both Kapas and cottonseed prices have remained stable.

The arrival of Kapas in Lower Rajasthan's mandis was recorded at 200 bales, each weighing 170 kg, consistent with the previous trading day's arrivals.

(By CommoditiesControl Bureau: +91-9820130172)

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